
The Seifried family have been making stylish food-friendly wines since 1976. The range includes rich full Chardonnays, fine floral Rieslings, lively Sauvignon Blancs, warm plummy Pinot Noirs and intensely delicious dessert wines.


Sun and blue skies all year round, nearby mountains (often snow capped), lakes, forests and beaches, the most beautiful winemaking region in New Zealand – this is Nelson. Still frosty winters, long dry summers, cool autumn nights combined with the highest sunshine hours in New Zealand – this is Nelson.


Pristine conditions, along with specially selected north facing vineyard sites, offer a range of soils from free draining gravels to heavy alluvial clays and a climate tailor-made for growing richly varietal, elegant wines


The Seifried story began in 1973 when Austrian born Hermann Seifried and his New Zealand wife Agnes had a dream of making wines in New Zealand’s sunshine capital – Nelson. From very small and modest beginnings when Hermann and Agnes grafted the vines late into the night, to today when all three Seifried ‘children’ have returned home to play their part in growing the family business, Seifried Estate is a company devoted to sustainable winegrowing and producing the very best Nelson has to offer.


Nelson is located at the top of New Zealand’s South Island and is surrounded by mountains to the east, west and south, while the Tasman Sea is to the north. The climate is mild with winter days being pleasant and warm but cooling at night to bring crisp ground frosts. In summer the daytime temperature reaches 30°C on a very warm day, with afternoon sea breezes giving a moderated and temperate climate to the region. The sunshine is the real drawcard however, and with an average of 2,700 hours of sunshine a year, Nelson is proudly New Zealand’s sunniest region. In the 1960’s and ‘70’s Nelson was well known for its horticulture, with hops, tobacco and apples being some of the main crops in the region. It was also a region of artisans and is today still regarded the art capital of New Zealand with potters, painters, jewellers, glass blowers and winemakers making the region their home.


Nelson is now home to 25 wineries, all of whom are family owned and operated. The region has gained much international recognition for the bright aromatic varietals being made here and is now considered by many to be the home of New Zealand’s aromatics.